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International Industrial Services Summit Forum

Views: 31     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-02      Origin: Site

The deep integration of advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry is an important way to enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing industry, cultivate modern service industry system and achieve high-quality development. As the first of the seven major tasks of China's economic work in 2019, with the vigorous promotion of relevant government departments, the industrial service industry will usher in a golden development period.
In order to comply with the new trend of technological revolution, industrial reform and consumption upgrading, deepen business association, chain extension and technology penetration, explore new business forms, new models and new paths, promote the integration and symbiosis of "two industries", and promote the rapid development of modern industrial service industry, China electromechanical integration Technology Application Association, China electromechanical equipment and Transformation Technology Association and China industry "2019 international industrial service Summit Forum" jointly sponsored by service alliance will be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province from November 1 to 2, 2019. I am writing to invite you.
1、 Organization
Sponsor: China electromechanical integration technology application Association
China mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance and Transformation Technology Association
China Industrial Service Alliance
Organizer: Hubei Lijia Conference & Exhibition Co., Ltd
Co organizers: General Institute of Mechanical Science Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Institute of Mechanical Industry Automation Co., Ltd., mechanical industry automation branch of China Society of mechanical engineering, manufacturing technology professional committee of China automation society, Hubei electromechanical integration technology application Association, Hubei Mechanical Engineering Society, Hubei Intelligent Manufacturing Association, and China intelligent manufacturing 100 people's Association, East China collaborative innovation center of China Industrial Service Alliance, manufacturing execution system branch of China electromechanical integration technology application Association, southwest collaborative innovation center of China Industrial Service Alliance, and industrial control brother company
2、 Theme of the conference
Perfect integration, intelligent service.
3、 Time and place
Registration time: October 31, 2019
Time: November 1-2, 2019
Venue: International Convention Center, InterContinental Hotel, Wuhan, China (619 Yingwu Avenue, Hanyang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province)
4、 Purpose of the conference
With the theme of "extreme integration, intelligent manufacturing of services", around the upstream and downstream of industrial services, we will build a comprehensive, complete, centralized and authoritative interactive platform that can show the latest developments and provide two-way communication between manufacturing and service. Using the industrial agglomeration effect to promote the coordinated development of manufacturing industry and service industry ecosystem, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.
5Contents of the conference
The conference includes one main forum: International Industrial Services Summit Forum; four theme summits: Industrial Internet and Internet of things, predictive maintenance and remote operation and maintenance, digital factory transformation and integration, industrial intelligent service forum and other theme forums.

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