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Welder Yi pass technology to more young people

Publish Time: 2021-03-02     Origin: Site

Yi , 44 years old, is an electric welder of Xiangdian Group Co., Ltd. he has been in the welding industry for 25 years since he entered the factory in 1992. Now, he has become a national model worker and senior technician from an ordinary welder, realizing the magnificent "jump" of life.

Welding is a hard work, welding workers generally begin to transfer their jobs and retire to the second line after the age of 40. But Yi Guoqiang, who has become famous, continues his dream: "I want to pass on my own technology and knowledge to more young people."

In fact, as early as 2001, Yi Guoqiang took his apprentice. He now has nearly 200 apprentices. When Liu Xinxin just entered Xiangdian, he couldn't even do gas shielded welding. Under the patient guidance of Yi Guoqiang, he made a little progress. The next year, he won the first place in the group competition. In the last year's competition, he won the eighth place in the "welder competition".

In 2014, Xiangdian group established an employee Technology Innovation Studio named after Yi Guoqiang, which not only specializes in welding test and welding analysis and guidance of new products, new processes and new technologies, but also undertakes some training tasks.

"The past year has been very fulfilling. I use the heart of gratitude to do things, put the interests of the company at the forefront, and regard work as a kind of enjoyment. " Yi Guoqiang said that at the beginning of the new year, his studio ushered in a good start. He led the completion of the "pipe gallery mold welding technology research" project won the first prize of innovation achievements of the group company, and his "second class tooling suggestions for making pipe gallery mold" won the "golden idea" award of rationalization proposal of the group company.

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